Q & a with dr. blount
This initiative is a resource to help increase behavioral health services in primary care throughout the state.
As part of this project, Dr. Blount will make himself available to health and behavioral health professionals working in New Hampshire for an hour each month to answer any questions about the integration of behavioral health and primary care, such as issues in implementation, clinical care, team based care, communication, models for integration, populations in primary care, or any other question. He has an answer for most questions about integration, and when he doesn’t have an answer to offer, he usually has some ideas about how an answer can be found.
These Q&A sessions will serve as a source of information for building the ability for primary care and mental health settings in New Hampshire to move more quickly and efficiently toward integration.
How will it Work?
The sessions will be conducted using Zoom video conferencing. No special software is needed to participate. Participants can attend by video and audio on a computer or can call in while observing on their computer. Ten minutes before each session, participants will receive an email with the video conference link and dial in number. During the session, participants will type questions on a “chat” function and Dr. Blount will address them in the order they come in.
How do I sign up?
This opportunity was maintained by the grant through June of 2019.
To access a similar opportunity, contact Dr. Blount ablountedd@gmail.com
Q&A Session sponsored by The Endowment for Health, and provided by Antioch
University New England Center for Behavioral Health Innovation (BHI).
Dr. Alexander Blount, Ed.D. is a pioneer in the Integrated Primary Care, contributing to efforts to implement behavioral health integration in primary care in multiples states. Recently, Dr. Blount has been applying his expertise to the state of New Hampshire by leading the New Hampshire Behavioral Health Integration Workforce Initiative, sponsored by the Endowment for Health of New Hampshire.